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Country, people and places

eTwinning Project
RO "Country, people and places" este un proiect pe baza de comunicare intre elevii altor tari despre oameni si locuri din fiecare tara partenera. La sfarsit, elevii indrumati de profesori vor realiza diferite lucruri din toate materialele folosite in timpul activitatilor proiectului.

ES "Country, people and places" es un proyecto a base de la comunicación entre alumnos de otros países sobre la gente y los paisajes de cada país socia. Al final, los alumnos guíados por sus profesores van a realizar varias cosas con todos los materiales usados durante las actividades especificas del proyecto.

EN "Country, People and Places" is a project based on communication between students of other countries about people and places in each partner country. Finally, students are guided by the teachers will do different things of all materials used during project activities.

This project invites students from partner countries to present their country with people and places most significant through ICT and other communication media. Students will be actively involved in obtaining materials that they send their colleagues in other countries: pictures taken during trips or cultural events and traditional handicrafts manufacture small representative of their country, short films with Christmas traditions or other traditions religious or national holidays.. Exchange of materials about the country will help promote the values and beauties of the country among children from other countries, prompting new friends to visit during holidays.

Art, Cross Curricular, Design and Technology, Foreign Languages, History, Music
ES - EN - FR - RO
Pupil's age:
9 - 12
Tools to be used:
Chat, e-mail, Forum, MP3, Other software (Powerpoint, video, pictures and drawings), Virtual learning environment (communities, virtual classes, ...), Web publishing

Web publishing
On successful completion of this project pupils will have managed to: • Know more about each other’s culture •Use ICT effectively •Know how... read moreOn successful completion of this project pupils will have managed to: • Know more about each other’s culture •Use ICT effectively •Know how to search effectively on the Internet •Know how to contribute to the Web •Express their thoughts, feelings and opinions using a foreign language •Listen to foreign music and feel the different rhythm •Organise collected material to create a video or to write an essay hide

Proiectul se va derula cu participarea elevilor din clasa a V-a C si A in colaborare cu parteneri din 5 tari europene: Spania - Sara Matilla, Cristóbal Ángel Alonso López, ISABEL FRANCISCA ÁLVAREZ NIETO; Polonia - Aleksandra Wieczorek; Franta - Karine Le Gorrec; Turcia - Naime Gul KAZAZ, Ersin Demir si Romania - Aurelia Berusca

Un proiect care ne va aduce mai aproape, vom cunoaşte mai multe lucruri despre fiecare ţară din echipă, vom învăţa cuvinte uzuale în limbile poloneză, turcă, spaniola şi franceză (engleza fiind cea de bază a comunicării).

A project that will bring us closer, we will know more about each country team, will learn common words in Polish, Turkish, Spanish and French (English is the basic lenguage for communication).

Pe curând - See you soon - Hasta pronto - A bientôt - Do zobaczenia wkrótce - Yakında görüşürüz

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eTwinning Project "Country, people and places"

eTwinning Project "Country, people and places"